Kooistra: «Ridò valore
agli oggetti comuni»

La giovane designer olandese, vincitrice del Rising Talent Award a Maison Objet di Parigi, è intervistata nell’inserto dedicato al Salone del Mobile

L’inserto che La Provincia ha dedicato al Salone del Mobile. Milano 2023 offre una vetrina multigenerazionale dei designer più interessanti del momento. La Generazione Z è rappresentata da Hanna Kooistra, olandese, di cui proponiamo la versione originale in inglese, adattata per le esigenze di lettura.

Hanna Kooistra, from Amsterdam, Netherlands, is one of the leading designer of our times and has been interviewed in the Salone del Mobile magazine (free with La Provincia, April 14th). Although her young age - she is in her late Twenties - Kooistra received the Rising Talent Award at Maison Object in Paris.

Hanna, you are young and talented. Would you please introduce yourself to our readers?

As a designer she is constantly studying, copying and transforming the everyday objects we surround ourselves with. These objects have an immense influence on how we experience the world and are often taken for granted. For her, it’s about exploring the never ending flow of potential and finding new interpretations hidden in our daily lives. With the project ‘Stages of the ordinary’ she created a set of design principles that continuously generate new structures by combining and transforming elements from context, history, material and technique.

As for the wall ornament - coffee pot shaped, velvet made – you generally move from the past heritage to create your product. Is it correct?

Yes it is. I love to work with product with a long history but is not appreciate anymore.

You belong to Z Generation: sustainability and the digital are intrinsic parts of your life. How do these cultural frames enter/inspire your works?

The internet overloads us with information and products. As a designer it is difficult to create something new, because already everything exist. By seeing history as an archive, I am able to make reinterpretations instead of trying to make something new. I also think that the ornament is important in this time. Ornamental objects are objects that people attach great value to. By reintroducing ornamental objects I try to make people understand the value of objects. I hope to make objects that don’t get bored easily and with a long lifetime.

How was, Ms Kooistra, to be part of the Fuorisalone?

It was a great opportunity to show my work to an international audience.

Are we going to see your works at the Salone 2023?

Unfortunately not. This year I want to work on new projects.

Where is currently moving the design from the Netherlands? What are its main traits?

Design is being interpreted more broadly. Social design and food design are on the rise. More craft-oriented designers are also doing well.

Materials, waste, recycling: what is your idea concerning these issues?

For me it is important to make products with a long lifetime. I try to keep as little residual material as possible.

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